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From Camposanto
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At Camposanto we need more signage.

Signage advertising our camp such as a big huge LED sign that says "CAMPOSANTO" in big huge letters.

Signage that we must produce:
Basic etiquete and common tasks:
Labels and instructions for proper waste disposal.
Kitchen instructions.
Graywater and shower instructions.
Solar Power information and instructions.
LNT etiquete and procedures.

This must be composed and laid out on paper ether by printing or by hand in an artistic way (Mafi is the master of this art form).

Signage must be laminated or made in such a way that they will last more than just one BM. grandcopycenter does laminations up to 11X17. typesf can do bigger sizes.

There is also a great business in Sparks, Nevada that will do large laminations, including placing them on secure backing. They are located at 380 Freeport Boulevard #21; phone #(775) 356-7043. If I can facilitate using them, I am in the area (Kim Mazeres --